Author Archives: Nabil El-Ghoroury

About Nabil El-Ghoroury

Director of APAGS. Licensed psychologist in Ohio. Clinical and research interests include autism spectrum disorders, social networking, doctoral training in psychology, and working with Latino children and families.

6 Experts on Battling the Dissertation

Don’t let the dissertation bring you down. Six experts, including 3 former APA Presidents, provide their tips on how to manage the dissertation process in this month’s issue of gradPSYCH.

How are you coping with your dissertation or thesis? Share your ideas with your fellow students in the comments section below.

Tips for Interviewing for Internship by Dr. Mitch Prinstein

If you’re applying for internship this year, you’ve probably submitted most of your applications for internship by now and are anxiously awaiting emails and phone calls from internship training directors inviting you for an interview.

While you’re waiting for those emails, here are some great tips by Dr. Mitch Prinstein, co-author of the APAGS internship workbook Internships in Psychology.  This is a PowerPoint slideshow with Dr. Prinstein speaking over the slides.

If you want more information on interviewing, the workbook has more details.