Disability Resources for Students, Paid trainees, Faculty, and Supervisors during COVID-19

This post was authored by Dr. Angela Kuemmel of Louis Stokes VA Medical Center and Dr. Rebecca Wilbur of Legacy Good Samaritan Medical Center.

Q: I am a trainee with a disability that compromises my immune system and puts me at high risk for complications from COVID-19. Can I request reasonable accommodations even if I didn’t have them before COVID-19?

The U.S. Equal Opportunity Employment Commission has updated their guidelines on PANDEMIC PREPAREDNESS IN THE WORKPLACE AND THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT in response to COVID-19. Per these guidelines, employees with disabilities that put them at high risk for complications of pandemic influenza may request telework as a reasonable accommodation to reduce their chances of infection during a pandemic.  The Job Accommodation Network lists possible accommodations for individuals with suppressed immune systems or other disabilities. The Network also has resources specific to COVID-19 and the ADA.

Q: What resources for students with disabilities do you recommend?

Q: What resources can you share for educators and educators?