Author Archives: KimberleyShore

About KimberleyShore

Hi! My name is Kimberley Shore, and I serve as a Member-at-Large on the American Psychological Association of Graduate Students (APAGS) committee. I am a doctoral student pursuing my PsyD in clinical psychology at Albizu University. My passion lies in the field of addiction. I plan to fight against mental health stigma, foster client resilience while utilizing evidence-based interventions. During my downtime (when I have some!), I also enjoy writing.

Dear Graduate Student

Our COVID-19 anniversary has come and gone. What exactly did we all endure? I am sure there has been an array of thoughts and emotions. As students…

We navigated a new world.
We cradled our pets.
We watered our plants.
We sat in virtual meetings.
We started a new hobby.
We tended to our families.
And maybe we lost motivation along the way.

We received our diplomas through a screen.
We cheered while reviewing acceptance letters.
We had dived into our research.
We passed our competency exams.
We defended our dissertations.
We matched.
We got our dream post-doc job.
Or maybe we grieved because… we didn’t.

We welcomed new agendas on the horizon.
We felt a sense of self.
Maybe we lost our identity and faith in the world.

We shared disappointment as well as delight.
We divided.
We bound.
We were strong.
We were tired.

It has been a tough year, and I simply want to acknowledge what you have encountered as a graduate student. Your lives are dynamic and beautiful.

With that said,
I validate the feelings that you are having.
I honor your story and experiences.
I encourage you to find safe supports with whom to share your triumphs and pain.
I invite you to embrace the present moment and breathe.
I stand with you precisely as you are.

Finally, I would like to remind you that:
You are capable.
You are loved.
You are enough.
…That is all.